First I started with a simple spline-object in form of a half profile of a mushroom which I extruded with a Lathe-NURBS 360° to design the basic simple mushroom-mesh. This NURBS-object than had to be converted to an editable object which could be loaded to cinema4d's internal sculpting-engine. The next step was to subdivide the mesh to a finer resoluted one with a multiple layers for detail. Using sculpting-pencils like knife, riser and some others I created the final mushroom-structure. This was used to produce a normal map as well as the final mesh.
The scene was rendered with V-Ray for Cinema4D using a physical camera and the V-Ray fast SSS-material. The lightsetting was only one area light from the back left, set to invisible.
All in all, this mushroom-design was designed to use it as content in other projects like the stonewall-rendering. Here I scattered lots of them with different variations using Carbon-Scatter 2.