C O M P U T E R - G R A P H I C S , A N I M A T I O N S A N D V I S U A L - F X
by C. Schindelar
This is a funny modeling and texturing workshop with focus on SiFi-spaceships. We are going to learn different modeling-techniques and thair advanteges. In the beginning we are going to set up blueprints in Cinema4D and than we are goint to build up the model. After that we set up the perfect textures using Dosch-SiFi-textures. The hole thing is than going to be overpainted with BodyPaint to bring on some damages.
With this training you should be able to design your one spaceship easily.
Requirements: basic C4D-skills
Duration: 1 days
Workshops only in german language
All workshops are organized by CG-Shop e.U. (www.cgshop.at)