C O M P U T E R - G R A P H I C S , A N I M A T I O N S A N D V I S U A L - F X
by C. Schindelar
CG Shop e.U. (www.cgshop.at) wanted a stylish black/white design for their t-shirts, so I tried some particel-effects in Cinema4D in combination with MoGraph's tracer tools and MoSplines. The particles came from a single emitter that shoots cubes towards the camera. Those particles have than been connected to the MoTracer used as footage for a Sweep-NURBS to produce visible lines folowing the particles. Other splines have than been instanced with the MoSpline-object. I rendered the final graphic in very high resolution and imported it to Adobe Illustrator. I than converted the graphic into a vector-graphic for maximum print-quallity.
As a preview, of how the final design will actually look I mapped the picture an virtaul shirts. The T-shirts are now available at CG Shop.